Event Info
Monday, October 31, 2022 08:30 AM
San Diego Mission Bay Resort and Online
MICS Co-Director Farinaz Koushanfar is giving a keynote address on Automated Cryptographically-Secure Private Computing: From Logic and Mixed-Protocol Optimization to Centralized and Federated ML Customization.
Over the last four decades, much research effort has been dedicated to designing cryptographically-secure methods for computing on encrypted data. However, despite the great progress in research, adoption of the sophisticated crypto methodologies has been rather slow and limited in practical settings. Presently used heuristic and trusted third party solutions fall short in guaranteeing the privacy requirements for the contemporary massive datasets, complex AI algorithms, and the emerging collaborative/distributed computing scenarios such as blockchains.
In this talk, we outline the challenges in the state-of-the-art protocols for computing on encrypted data with an emphasis on the emerging centralized, federated, and distributed learning scenarios. We discuss how in recent years, giant strides have been made in this field by leveraging optimization and design automation methods including logic synthesis, protocol selection, and automated co-design/co-optimization of cryptographic protocols, learning algorithm, software, and hardware. Proof of concept would be demonstrated in the design of COINN, the present state-of-the-art framework for cryptographically-secure deep learning on encrypted data. We conclude by discussing the practical challenges in the emerging private robust learning and distributed/ federated computing scenarios as well as the opportunities ahead.
More information about ICCAD is available here: https://iccad.com/