2021 News Releases

NSF Invests $20M in UC San Diego-headquartered Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institute
July 29, 2021
MICS faculty will play key roles in TILOS, the new NSF AI Institue that is focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and optimization. Full Story

Students thrive in program focused on diversifying undergraduate engineering at UC San Diego
June 9, 2021
Among the more than 1,400 undergraduate engineering and computer science students earning bachelor’s degrees from the University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering this year, are Xavier Perez, Yoon Jung Choi, and Armando Godoy-Velasquez, who are all members of the first cohort of ACES Scholars. Full Story

Neural implant monitors multiple brain areas at once, provides new neuroscience insights
April 27, 2021
How do different parts of the brain communicate with each other during learning and memory formation? A study by researchers at UC San Diego takes a first step at answering this fundamental neuroscience question, thanks to a neural implant that monitors multiple brain regions at the same time. Full Story

Artificial neuron device could shrink energy use and size of neural network hardware
March 18, 2021
Neural network training could one day require less computing power and hardware, thanks to a new nanodevice that can run neural network computations using 100 to 1000 times less energy and area than existing CMOS-based hardware. Full Story
Defending human-robot teams against adversaries goal of computer science grant
March 17, 2021
UC San Diego computer science professor Kamalika Chaudhuri is part of a multi-university team that has won a prestigious US Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Award to develop rigorous methods for robust human-machine collaboration against adversaries. Full Story

Swift Sewage-Sifting System Boosts Efforts to Forecast and Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19
March 11, 2021
The wastewater sampling initiative began as a pilot program on the UC San Diego campus in the summer of 2020 with only six collection sites but quickly grew as they determined that environmental testing was a key to preventing the spread of COVID-19. However, the manual work involved in concentrating samples was a roadblock to scaling the surveillance program beyond the university. This project marked the first collaboration between the Center for Microbiome Innovation (CMI) and the Center for Machine-Integrated Computing & Security (CMICS), both research centers are part of UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Full Story

Deepfake detectors can be defeated, computer scientists show for the first time
February 8, 2021
Systems designed to detect deepfakes --videos that manipulate real-life footage via artificial intelligence--can be deceived, computer scientists showed for the first time at the WACV 2021 conference which took place online Jan. 5 to 9, 2021. Full Story